yescite — remove unused entries from your .bib


Purpose: This tool removes unused items from a .bib file.

Requirement: You have a .bbl file containing only used entries (e.g. automatically produced by BibTeX).

More precisely: Given .bib and .bbl files, this tool returns a reduced version of the .bib, the yescite, containing entries from .bib only if they occur in the .bbl.


Motivation: The .bib file for a project had become very large over time. I no longer cited many entries. Using \nocite{*} would show which entries I no longer cited, but there would still have been a lot of manual labour looking them up in the .bib and deleting them. Hence, yescite was intended to automatically find which entries I did cite, instead of those I did not.

Tidy my .bib

The tidied .bib includes:

and excludes: